Mix Universe Receives an Epic MegaGrant

I am excited to announce that Mix Universe has received an Epic MegaGrant from Epic Games! This is honestly something I didn’t think would ever happen as a solo developer. With this MegaGrant, I was able to contract out some QA and Composer work for the Early Access launch delivering a much more content-rich and stable experience.

Mix Universe’s development started as a passion project that I would slowly chip away at in my free time. The idea was simple, can I connect nodes together to make music in a fun visual way? Early tests were promising so I kept at it for a couple years for fun. When Unreal Engine 5 launched showcasing MetaSounds, Mix Universe became an early adopter almost overnight to take full advantage of the feature!

It was this moment that I became an active member in the Unreal audio community showcasing what MetaSound can do and also sharing some of the workflows and use cases that Mix Universe took advantage of.

Since then, I am grateful to have had the opportunity to tell my story at GameSoundCon and also do a deep dive into the audio tech early this year at GDC. I truly believe that this wonderful musical sandbox game will keep growing alongside the latest and greatest audio tech in Unreal and keep pushing its capabilities to the max. It’s been an honor so far to be able to share the knowledge I’ve gained throughout the process with the community and with the audio team at Epic!

Early Access Trailer

Mix Universe is now available on Steam Early Access
Check it out and go make some good vibes!


Mix Universe is in Early Access!